शुक्रवार, 3 अक्टूबर 2008

Description of Organization

JNP+ (Jodhpur network of people living with HIV Sansthan) is a network for, by and of the people living with HIV/AIDS. Our objective is to avail more services and support to PLWHA at the grassroots. The aim of the JNP+ is to improve the quality of life of the community and to empower them to address the sociological, Psychological and medical factors that make them vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. The network started its activities towards the enlistment of these sections by minimizing the stigma and discrimination attached with them. In order to start bridging the vast needs of Pleas and to ensure their participation in all HIV/AIDS related programs, the network of PLWHA with a group of people was formed on January, 10th 2006 in Medical College Council Hall in the presence of Dr. Arvind Mathur (Professor & Head, Medical Unit, MDM Hospital), Dr. Kanti Joshi, Mr. Brijesh Dube (President RNP+, Jaipur) Mr. Dinesh Joshi (President JNP+) and CARE India at Jodhpur. The Network was started working as formally registered from Society Registration ACT 1958, since June, 20th 2006.
We are a group of people living with HIV/AIDS, Actively involved in spreading awareness programs and advocating the cause for better lives of positive people. We network with other organizations and support groups nationally to urge other positive people to join hands in the common fight against HIV/AIDS.
Thus with the guidance and inspiration of experts from various sections of the society are protecting and promoting our core values and be practical in every sense. We solely are concentrating to help the people to help themselves. So we firmly believe that if change is the law of nature, it’s possible to minimize stigma and discrimination.
Our organization is affiliated with RNP+ (Rajasthan Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS) and managed by people living with HIV/AIDS. Our organization is situated in Jodhpur city in state Rajasthan of India and works towards Enlistment of HIV/AIDS Patients in Jodhpur, Rajasthan by providing care and support measures at their door steps and helps them to avoid isolation and get empower.

Massage to Society by community

I Dream of a Society that is sympathetic to HIV-Positive people, who are already surrering from the damages caused by HIV. Discrimination further increases our surrering.
When my husband died, I knew nothing about HIV। I am now working to inform women about HIV; so that no woman suffers from untimely widowhood as I हवेPawan Kanwar
पवन कँवर
JNP+ Member

Both my parents are HIV-Positive, but I am HIV negative because my parents knew all about HIV. All HIV-positive parents should have access to information regarding transmission of HIV/AIDS to children and to medical procedures which prevent transmission, so that their children can live a life free of HIV.
Baby Ruchi


• INP+
• RNP+
• Clinton Foundation
• Rotary international
• Mahaveer International
• Govt. Hospitals
• SDPs (Service Delivery Points)
• LIONS Club
• CARE India
• HRLN (Human Rights Law Network)
• Lawyers Collective Unit
• Anti – Discrimination Cell for PLWHA
• Local NGOs & CBOs
• Private Hospitals & Doctors
• PCB Trust

Wise advocacy at

Media level
We are continuing tenacious efforts in this regard and advocacy with media created a big difference especially in the following aspects:
Special invitation for PLWHA during media conferences

Gov: level
Recommendation to bring all HIV+in BPL Category
Assurance to provide concession for traveling in Govt: buses
Assurance to provide office spaces for JNP+ at district level

Emerging scenario

Progressing infrastructure
Involvement of women in JNP+ exclusively for women empowerment and income generation programme
Less discrimination


1. Establishment of Anti- discrimination cell in Jodhpur

JNP+ has constituted a legal cell for advocacy and Awareness about the rights of PLWHA

2. Establishment of Yoga and Meditation Center
To serve as a tool to keep the balance of mind and emotions of our members we started one yoga and meditation center in our office premises.

3. Celebration of World AIDS Day
With the support of RSACS we had conducted AIDS awareness rally on the occasion of World AIDS Day 07. Fifty HIV/AIDS patients were participated to generate a community wide response that is respectful of the rights of HIV/AIDS patients especially women and children.

4.Association withHRLN Jodhpur

5.Association with PCB Trust
To run a care and support program for Children living with HIV/AIDS we had made our linkages with PCB Trust which is supported by CLINTON FOUNDATION.

6.Organising gathering of over 1 lakh people at Shikarpura
We arranged for a gathering of over 1 lakh people at Raja Ram Ashram in Shikarpura to create a mass awareness about HIV

7.FSD sending a intern to JNP
FSD is sending an intern to JNP+ to work here as a volunteer which is a big achievement for JNP+ in gathering recognition.


1. To provide nutritional council ling to PLWHA.
2. To maintain a nutritional dairy.
3. To develop our own website.
4. To ensure linkage with many other organization.
5. To organize camps –Yoga & Meditation
6. Vocational Trainings for PLWHAs & Livelihood Program for Women Living with HIV/AIDS
7. To generate corpus funds.
8. Fund generation program for PLWHA.
9. To make an advisory committee.
10. Integrated Programs for the widows & Orphans Living with HIV/AIDS.
11. Formation and Strengthening of Block Level Networks.


1. Enrollment of new PLWHAs at SDP (DLN).
2. Advocacy and sensitization (Village, District, State and National Level)
3. Monthly review Meetings/ Support Group Meeting
4. Capacity building programs: Workshops, Training Programs, Group
Sessions, Brain Storming session’s etc. for PLWHAs on administration,
managerial financial, and technical and skill oriented .
5. Counseling services
6. Providing Telephonic Information.
7. AIDS awareness programme- for general population regarding mode of
transmission and prevention
8. Dissemination and distribution of IEC materials
9. Condom Promotion and procurement
10. Legal help in collaboration with Human Rights Law Network & Lawyers
11. Collective HIV/AIDS unit
12. Medical and referral services for HIV& TB infected persons
13. Outreach Services
14. Home Visits
15. Providing Nutritional Support
16. Financial assistance
17. Care and support for the children Living with
18.Booming Puddle Of PSB/Motivational


1. To create a platform for, by and of PLWHA
2. Create an enabling environment for people living with HIV/AIDS which emphasizes on acceptance and improving the quality of life of the positive people.
3. Address denial, stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS
4. To share the experiences, knowledge and skills on access to services.
5. To strengthen our network and collaboration with stake holders.
6. Ensure accessibility, affordability and availability of services to infected and affected people.
7. To avail more services and support to PLWHA at the grassroots.
8. To improve the quality of life of the community and to empower them to address the sociological, Psychological and medical factors that make them vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.


To improve the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS and to minimize the stigma and discrimination attached to PLWHA.

Our Project

Promoting access, care and treatment
Supported by Global Fund

• To reduce HIV related morbidity and mortality in adults and children.
• To reduce the impact of HIV on women and children
• To promote access to care and support

• To create a platform for, by and of PLWHA
• To share experiences, knowledge and skills on access to services
• Establishing and strengthening DLN in Rajasthan